1. matted coats
2. ticks and bugs
3. requests to shave down double coated dogs
All of which we will talk about in this newsletter.
BEFORE we get into the items above,there are several items to announce!

Zoom Zoom Groom has two phenomenal groomers that will be having babies in the next few weeks! Jenna is having a baby girl, and Krista is having a baby boy. OUR FIRST ZOOMERS! We are so excited and wish them the very best. We are also sad as we will miss them at Zoom Zoom Groom. Congratulations to both of them and their families. This is a very special time!
VIP Pet Care Announcement. Our satellite opening at VIP Pet Care has been delayed due to several circumstances. In the past few months Zoom Zoom has experienced one groomer with a broken arm, another with a broken leg, and several other obstacles. We are still working towards this goal and hope to achieve it in the next month. To celebrate our opening at VIP please come...................
LIVE ON LOCATION WITH Z99! On Saturday June 11, 2011 from 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. VIP Pet Care and Zoom Zoom Groom will be hosting an open house at VIP Pet Care (639 Adams St)! Bring your pooch down for a tour, get a hot dog for a good cause and meet and greet VIP Pet Care and Zoom Zoom Groom's staff!
Cancellation Policies: Please know that this is a very busy time and many clients are on waiting lists. It is important that if you cannot make your appointment that you inform us at least 48 hours in advance. Our groomers are paid per dog and it important that their skills and time are fully utilized.
Towels...............Zoom Zoom Groom is looking for towels. Have you changed the color of your bathroom? downsized???? Let us know.....our furry clientele would love them!

Several clients have asked about future puppies. Flower's mom "Bitsy" is having a litter mid July. YES, we will be having some more "Itsy Bitsy's"!
There is a product that Zoom Zoom Groom was carrying that worked tremendously well on the staining and eye problems of their four legged clients. We struggled however, because it had a small dose of antibiotics in it. We see many cases of dogs with such bad eyes that when they come for grooms they are almost crusted over. It's at that point where we had to wrestle with the thought of which is better/worse for the dog's health and well being....the small amounts of antibiotics in the supplement or the positive results of taking it for some furry individuals. We are so happy to announce that our dilemma is over as Angel's Eyes has created an all natural line that does not contain the antibiotics. We now are carrying this natural product in our store!
Ticks and Bugs
Yuck!!!!! Those terrible critters. They are definitely out and about. Please read the following article from Dogs In Canada about these horrific, bloodsucking, insects. Please note that if your dog comes in with more than 4 ticks there will be a removal fee. The other day we spent an hour removing 30+ ticks off one dog!
http://www.dogsincanada.com/ticksZoom Zoom Groom now carries natural tick products called Sentry Natural Defense.
Many of us are preparing our dogs for the hot days of summer by getting them groomed by a professional. We love our dogs and we want them to be comfortable in the rising temperatures. Zoom Zoom Groom is often asked to shave the double coated dogs.
A double coated dog is a dog that (obviously) has two coats: a soft undercoat, and a guard coat. These are dogs such as Pomeranians, Shelties, Golden Retrievers, American Eskimos, Shepherds, and Huskies. In these dogs, the undercoat grows much faster than the guard coat, and it is this that sheds in the summer and grows thick in the winter. The guard coat is your dogs armor. It protects the skin from sunburn and parasites while insulating against the cold AND the heat. We are always amazed how so many double coated dog owners are unaware of the consequences of shaving their dogs, as well hearing that past groomers didn't inform them of what can happen should they do so....
The best thing for your dog is to remove the dead coat. We have an EZ shed program that works beautifully. It removes all the dead coat but leaves the important guard and undercoat that protects your dog from both the sun and cold!

It's like a small water bed with a thick pad inside that helps cushion your dog. These Cool beds are very similar as they are filled with water then excess air is burped out. These Cool beds are to be paced in a cool or shady area and give you dog a great place to go cool off in the hot summer weather and even work for dogs that have illnesses and make them more comfortable. These thermoregulating Cooling Dog Beds have numerous benefits for your dogs health. The cool Beds remove heat from your dogs body by taking advantage of the rules of thermodynamics. By providing a spot that is cooler than your dogs body temperature, the cool beds actually draws heat away from your dog, to ensure your dog stays cool year round. The softness of these beds also ensure that your dog is not putting strain on its joints by lying on hard surfaces that dogs gravitate towards because of the coolness.
Zoom Zoom Groom is also carrying the Ezydog Life Jackets for the avid lake dogs. A perfect way to cool your dog down!!!!!
Perfect for when you get caught out in the rain. The Packable Rain Poncho's lightweight packable design snaps easily onto your leash. The colorful waterproof shell helps keep your dog dry.
- Lightweight Water Resistant Taffeta Shell
- Leash Access Hole
- Adjustable Velcro Waist
- Comes in Convenient Carrying Pouch
- Hand Washable
- Comes in sizes XXS-XXL
- $14.99
Bogey Barber is our dog of the month. Bogey is a wonderful schnauzer who is dedicated and loyal. Bogey is an awesome client at Zoom Zoom Groom and he has a gift basket he can pick up at his next groom!