Monday, October 15, 2012
Four Dogs Needing Homes
Great News!!! Four dogs groomed by the students last week were adopted- Royal, Frank, Nana, and Sable! Today the students of Zoom Zoom Groom's Academy of Pet Grooming, pampered four more beautiful dogs from the Humane Society. I am so proud of these students. They are doing wonderful grooms on these fabulous canines, plus they are providing them with love and compassion. Have a look at their work.... and maybe.... just maybe...... you may know of someone looking for a wonderful companion.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
It Felt Sooooo Good!
Today our students at Zoom Zoom Groom's Academy of Pet Grooming were blessed with the opportunity to groom 6 dogs from the Regina Humane Society. The students require dogs to groom and the Humane Society has dogs that need to be groomed- what a better way to network! ZZG was buzzing today, and all the groomers fell in love with each and every one of these adorable canines. Below are the students talking about the dogs they groomed. We hope the videos will help to promote their adoptions. A clean dog is a healthy dog, and a healthy dog needs a place to call home. Please if you are considering a new pet, think about the dogs and cats at the Regina Humane Society! We know there are six residing there that smell awesome after their special spa day at Zoom Zoom Groom.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
A ZZG Thanksgiving- 10 Reasons I am Thankful!
10. the amazing staff at ZZG! The people within the Zoom Zoom Groom walls are loving, caring professionals who consistently give their best to our clients, both two legged and four!
9. the fact that I love my job! I look forward with great enthusiasm to go to work everyday and be with my ZZG family. It is such an inspiring, positive environment- plus a great place to laugh, dance and sing!
8. the fact that ZZG makes a positive difference in the health of our furry friends! It feels amazing to see the changes from the cat or dog that enters the building, to that which leaves!
7. the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of our students at Zoom Zoom Groom's Academy of Pet Grooming. Presently, we have 6 remarkable individuals, who are passionate to learn about this wonderful industry! It feels amazing to have the opportunity to once again teach, and learn!
6. the venue in which all things can happen. We are blessed with a building in which we can house our mobiles, offer an "IN" Salon, and have a school as well!
5. the dogs and cats that look at us with their big trusting eyes, and allow us to do what we need to, in order to create grooms to the owner's requests! I so agree with the following:
"Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe, we are the focus of their love and faith and trust. They serve us in return for scraps. It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made." - Roger Caras
4. our phenomenal clients who are family as well! ZZG clients are passionate about their pets and entrust us enough to share them. We are so appreciative of your faith, kindness and generosity. It is an honor to make your life along with your pets, more healthy and happier!
3. for the passion, motivation and excitement of the staff to continuously learn and improve. Together, we have decided to better our skills by continuing education through the International Professional Groomer's Association and complete our exams to become not only certified, but Master Groomers. This validates, that these individuals are striving to be the best of the best. I am so proud of all the groomers at ZZG!
2. a family consisting of an amazing husband Randy, three sons (Colton, Zane, and Keegan), and a furry babies- Gracie, Kennedy, Bitsy, Flower and Zoomey, who all support and encourage my crazy ideas!
1. my health, in which I can do all the above things that make me so incredibly happy. I am a breast cancer survivor and I am so grateful and blessed that my many angels (family, friends,and staff included) have helped me through a year of learning, strength, love and growth, that can be nothing short of miraculous!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
9. the fact that I love my job! I look forward with great enthusiasm to go to work everyday and be with my ZZG family. It is such an inspiring, positive environment- plus a great place to laugh, dance and sing!
8. the fact that ZZG makes a positive difference in the health of our furry friends! It feels amazing to see the changes from the cat or dog that enters the building, to that which leaves!
7. the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of our students at Zoom Zoom Groom's Academy of Pet Grooming. Presently, we have 6 remarkable individuals, who are passionate to learn about this wonderful industry! It feels amazing to have the opportunity to once again teach, and learn!
6. the venue in which all things can happen. We are blessed with a building in which we can house our mobiles, offer an "IN" Salon, and have a school as well!
5. the dogs and cats that look at us with their big trusting eyes, and allow us to do what we need to, in order to create grooms to the owner's requests! I so agree with the following:
"Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe, we are the focus of their love and faith and trust. They serve us in return for scraps. It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made." - Roger Caras
4. our phenomenal clients who are family as well! ZZG clients are passionate about their pets and entrust us enough to share them. We are so appreciative of your faith, kindness and generosity. It is an honor to make your life along with your pets, more healthy and happier!
3. for the passion, motivation and excitement of the staff to continuously learn and improve. Together, we have decided to better our skills by continuing education through the International Professional Groomer's Association and complete our exams to become not only certified, but Master Groomers. This validates, that these individuals are striving to be the best of the best. I am so proud of all the groomers at ZZG!
2. a family consisting of an amazing husband Randy, three sons (Colton, Zane, and Keegan), and a furry babies- Gracie, Kennedy, Bitsy, Flower and Zoomey, who all support and encourage my crazy ideas!
1. my health, in which I can do all the above things that make me so incredibly happy. I am a breast cancer survivor and I am so grateful and blessed that my many angels (family, friends,and staff included) have helped me through a year of learning, strength, love and growth, that can be nothing short of miraculous!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Saturday, September 29, 2012
With it Being Roughrider Season- This May be Something You Would Like to Pursue!!!??
How to Train Your Dog to Get You a Beer
The only thing more enjoyable than a nice cold beer is enjoying one that someone else got for you. C’mon, you know I am right. The couch is just too darn comfy.
That said, saying the words “fetch me a beer” rarely ends well. You are more likely to end up in the doghouse than with an actual beer. And we don’t want that. Well, don’t worry…this awesome tutorial provided by WikiHow takes care of that. These simple instructions will help you train your dog to fetch you a cold one so you can spend more time at your PlayStation.
If you don’t have a dog, well, that is step one. Get a doggy! You can find quite a few beer-fetching ones over at PetFinder.
READ MORE: Drink Up: Chemistry Keeps Beer Fresher, Longer
Opening the Fridge
1. Tie a rope or a tug toy to the door of your fridge. You can also wrap a treat inside the towel to make it more enticing. This is how my other half usually gets me to do chores.
2. With your dog next to you, say “Get me a beer” or whatever command you have chosen for this action.
3. Say “Get me a beer” and encourage your dog to pull on the towel. Give praise and a treat every time your dog pulls the fridge open.
If your dog happens to be the size of Marmaduke, this is going to end badly. Like, “fridge landing on top of you” badly. I suggest borrowing a neighbors dog.
Grabbing the Beer
4. Put the beer can on the lowest shelf of the fridge so that your dog can reach it. It helps to clear out any stuff around it. If necessary, wrap something around the can so the dog can grab it more easily. And put something against the fridge door so that it stays open without you having to hold it.
READ MORE: Beer Good for the Bones
5. Give the “drop” command so that she drops the can into your hand. Give praise and a treat. Repeat until your dog can pick up a beer can and put it on your hand using only verbal commands.
6. Move further away from the fridge. Rinse and repeat.
Closing the Fridge
7. Open the fridge door slightly.
8. Dangle a treat so that your dog gets up on his hind legs and leans with his front paws against the door.
9. Move further away, leaving the fridge open. Tell your dog to “Close it”. Reward your dog whenever he closes the fridge.
Putting It All Together
10. Stand close to the fridge. Ask your dog to “Get me a beer”. He should now be comfortable opening the fridge door. While the fridge door is open, tell the dog to “fetch”.
11. Have him put the beer in your hand and reward him. Repeat but this time say “Close it” after he grabs the can and reward him profusely after he’s brought you the beer.
12. Move a little further away and say “Get me a beer”. Your dog should open the fridge door but if he forgets to, just grab the beer or close the fridge, and remind him verbally.
13. Reward him when he brings you the beer (having done everything he was expected to do). Keep doing this and eventually most dogs will complete all of the tasks with a single command: “Get me a beer”.
Tags: Beer, Food and Drink
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Dog News Close to Home
Treats Pour In From Around The World After Boy Creates Bucket List To Thank Dying Service Dog (PHOTOS)
Posted: 08/14/2012 1:21 pm Updated: 08/14/2012 2:48 pm
A 14-year-old Jack Russell terrier called Bingo has gotten his very own bucket list in the last few weeks of his life.
Bingo was given to the Winnipeg-based Hein family in 2005 by the National Service Dogs to help with 11-year-old Cole's undiagnosed medical condition, the Winnipeg Free Press reports. Cole would suddenly stop breathing and would often require CPR to revive him.
The organization trained Bingo to respond when Cole stopped breathing by barking to notify others.
While Cole can now work through the disorder himself, the dog has helped save the boy's life several times in the last few years and was even inducted into the Purina Animal Hall of Fame in 2010, according to Modern Dog Magazine.
Recently, Bingo was diagnosed with Canine Cognitive Dysfuntion Syndrome, and the Hein family was told that the dog had only weeks to live.
Determined to make Bingo's last weeks "fun and delicious," Cole decided he wanted to thank his dog with a 'lick it list,' the doggie-version of a bucket list.
"He told me he is making a lick it list so I said 'oh, a dog's version of a bucket list' and he said he didn't know what that was," Mandi Hein told the Winnipeg Free Press.
The family has set up a Facebook page to allow people to send treats for Bingo. "I've made a list for her final days on Earth. I want to take her on one last public outing to Ruckers. I want to walk her around the block twice. And I want to get her treats from around the world," Cole told WPF. Fortunantly, Bingo's veteranarian bills are covered by a pet insurance policy.
The 'lick it list' has been a huge success. "Cole is doing the happy dance. He is teasing Bingo about her new treats coming," Mandi told the Winnipeg Free Press during a recent interview.
The Bingo Hein Facebook page now has 676 members, with people writing in from Egypt, Singapore, New Zealand, the U.K., Finland, the U.A.E. and Australia.
Bingo was given to the Winnipeg-based Hein family in 2005 by the National Service Dogs to help with 11-year-old Cole's undiagnosed medical condition, the Winnipeg Free Press reports. Cole would suddenly stop breathing and would often require CPR to revive him.
The organization trained Bingo to respond when Cole stopped breathing by barking to notify others.
While Cole can now work through the disorder himself, the dog has helped save the boy's life several times in the last few years and was even inducted into the Purina Animal Hall of Fame in 2010, according to Modern Dog Magazine.
Recently, Bingo was diagnosed with Canine Cognitive Dysfuntion Syndrome, and the Hein family was told that the dog had only weeks to live.
Determined to make Bingo's last weeks "fun and delicious," Cole decided he wanted to thank his dog with a 'lick it list,' the doggie-version of a bucket list.
"He told me he is making a lick it list so I said 'oh, a dog's version of a bucket list' and he said he didn't know what that was," Mandi Hein told the Winnipeg Free Press.
The family has set up a Facebook page to allow people to send treats for Bingo. "I've made a list for her final days on Earth. I want to take her on one last public outing to Ruckers. I want to walk her around the block twice. And I want to get her treats from around the world," Cole told WPF. Fortunantly, Bingo's veteranarian bills are covered by a pet insurance policy.
The Bingo Hein Facebook page now has 676 members, with people writing in from Egypt, Singapore, New Zealand, the U.K., Finland, the U.A.E. and Australia.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
What A Difference A Year Makes!
As you may or may not know, Zoom Zoom
Groom’s Academy of Pet Grooming opened this week with a full class! I am so
excited to teach the amazing individuals in this group. Just prior to the
opening, 13 staff and family members attended Super Zoo in LasVegas. There, ZZG
Veteran groomers had the opportunity to meet and learn from some of the top
grooming professionals in the world. Learning venues such as these are crucial
in this industry in order to stay current of the latest technologies and to
become leaders ourselves in techniques and skills. Not only that, it provides
motivation and excitement and a desire to become better- master groomers.
Perfect timing…… our first day of school (just two days after our return from
Super Zoo) was filled with shared enthusiastic experiences. You could see the
students eyes light up as the news spewed out. I feel these bright individuals
have an opportunity to become incredible groomers and future leaders in an
industry that is presently booming. What’s so amazing is I have the honor of
being a part of it! Due to the fact I had taught elementary/middle years for 18
+ years prior to opening Zoom Zoom Groom, it would be expected I could
walk right in without any apprehension. This just wasn’t the case. I was
nervous! The pressure …… I want to see each and every one of these individuals
succeed and be prosperous. They trust me with their future. As our first
morning progressed, it became evident to me that my biggest contribution could
possibly be my passion, love and
As with many first day
introductions, it was important for my new students to know a little about me.
What I did not realize was how emotional I would get when filling them in on the
history of Zoom Zoom Groom. The reason why I call this blog “The
Difference a Year Can Make”, is the fact that almost one year to the day, I
was undergoing surgery to remove a Breast Cancer Mass. The big “C” had got me!
No one knows the emotions involved in this procedure unless they have actually
lived it themselves. It was a year ago that my (2011-2012) staff was also at
the Regina Airport to go to Super Zoo, and I waved good bye – my operation was
scheduled for the second day of the show. One of my hardest days ever!
Following the surgery was 6 months of extensive treatments and a whole lot of
feelings I had never experienced before- both physically, and emotionally.
Friends, family and staff kept things going and encouraged me to be strong.
My voice got a little shaky
explaining this part of my adventure, but I felt my students needed to be aware,
especially because there would be three days in their program when I would be
absent due to my remaining treatments. Many of them had no idea, and I’m sure
they were not expecting their teacher to be crying on their first day. Joy was
the reason for this, not regret, not “why me”. Joyous emotions because here I
am one year later and life couldn’t be more of a contrast than that of a year
ago. I am living my dream today, doing two things I love immensely (teaching
and grooming), and best of all I am feeling my normal self, which at times
during treatment seemed impossible. When speaking about acquired
learning’s,........ the past several months have taught me about the following
blessings: my family, friends, staff & strength.
Gratitude Wall |
On our first day of classes
the students were instructed to create personal posters for our “Gratitude Wall"
which will hang for their entire session. Daily reflections will be added to
these posters of things to be grateful for. Other students, as well a myself,
can write on the individual posters when good deeds are done. After two days
many of the posters are filling up. The students are enjoying the positive
thoughts they were receiving and expressing. Today, as I walked into the room,
I couldn’t figure out why they were huddled together in the classroom corner.
As they backed away from the wall, once again, they stirred my emotions to the
core…. There on the wall was a poster they created for me filled with words of
encouragement, and thankfulness for giving them this opportunity. Yes, a year
can make a difference!!!!!
We are all so excited
at Zoom Zoom Groom for the school. The entire staff is loving the
enthusiasm of our young entrepreneurs. All of us have the opportunity to
contribute to the education of these individuals and it feels awesome! The
students themselves will be contributing to the Barkz and Bytes blog- sharing
their learnings- good and bad. Their stories will be coming soon. I wish these
students the best in their program, and encourage them to stay strong, even when
things get tough- reinforcing the fact that today may seem rough, but an hour,
day, month or year can make a complete difference. I am living proof of that!
There are always better things to come, and the rough stuff just makes you
appreciate these positive times more. Here’s to a fantastic first session at
Zoom Zoom Groom’s Academy of Pet Grooming! The quote
ZZGAPG has adopted is as follows:
“Education is not
preparation for life; education is life itself.”
― John Dewey
― John Dewey
Lets do this
session one students, and thanks for adding me to the gratitude wall- you have
no idea how much this means to me!!!!
We are taking names for the 2013 session happening January 2013- If you are interested check out the website ..
Please contact us at 306-533-9155
We are taking names for the 2013 session happening January 2013- If you are interested check out the website ..
Please contact us at 306-533-9155
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
A Star is Born
The Amazing Pebbles.....AKA "Toto"!
If you haven't heard by now, Kaila's dog Pebbles is "Toto" in The Prairie Skies Wizard of Oz, being performed for its final week. The history behind her achieving this role is not clear to me, but what I do know is she filled a different dogs paws that struggled with the role, just days before the production began. As you know Zoom Zoom Groom's staff is diverse, with many of them having great knowledge of dog training and conditioning. What we are all perplexed about is the speed in which Pebbles not only learned her role, but does it brilliantly! The most interesting part is she was trained by the actors/ actresses themselves. We want them to come give us a training in-service! What can possibly take weeks or months to train, these individuals did in just a few days. Pebbles is reading hand signals and cues, which is no small feat. If you have seen the musical, you will observe her coming and going off stage when required, stealing a hot dog from the fortune teller on cue, barking at the wizard and more! It's flabbergasting what she does, and she loves it! Everyday Pebbles is picked up by from Zoom Zoom Groom at 4:00 by a cast member, and she is racing out the door. When she arrives at the venue, she dashes out of the car and onto the stage. She takes a few seconds to look at the "would be crowd", and darts off to behind the scenes in the back. She is thriving on the stardom!
My son, Zane has the role of the Tin Man (Hickory). I thought I would take the staff to see the show, after all there were two important individuals in it.....Zane and Pebbles. Needless to say, as much as they loved Zane`s performance, the focus was on Pebbles.
Zane jokes that Pebbles has taken all of the performers lime light. A review was written in a local paper and it goes like this.....`Even if the show ended up being a complete disaster and everything had gone inexplicably but entirely wrong, it would have been saved by Pebbles the dog who played Toto. I’m not much on small dogs, but every time she came on stage, I had to resist running on stage and stealing that dog for being so damn cute. She didn’t even do anything! She had no lines and was either carried, led, or told where to go on stage, and she still managed to be a star simply because she was that adorable.
We are so extremely proud of both Tin Man and Toto. If you haven`t seen the musical, it`s the perfect Saskatchewan event. It`s in the country, and outside.... Amazing! The following is a link to Prairie Skies website. Before the week is over my husband and I will be back for our fourth time to see the Wizard- mainly to see Pebbles (LOL)- just kidding Zane.....you too! Love ya, big guy!
We`re off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz!!!!!!!
If you haven't heard by now, Kaila's dog Pebbles is "Toto" in The Prairie Skies Wizard of Oz, being performed for its final week. The history behind her achieving this role is not clear to me, but what I do know is she filled a different dogs paws that struggled with the role, just days before the production began. As you know Zoom Zoom Groom's staff is diverse, with many of them having great knowledge of dog training and conditioning. What we are all perplexed about is the speed in which Pebbles not only learned her role, but does it brilliantly! The most interesting part is she was trained by the actors/ actresses themselves. We want them to come give us a training in-service! What can possibly take weeks or months to train, these individuals did in just a few days. Pebbles is reading hand signals and cues, which is no small feat. If you have seen the musical, you will observe her coming and going off stage when required, stealing a hot dog from the fortune teller on cue, barking at the wizard and more! It's flabbergasting what she does, and she loves it! Everyday Pebbles is picked up by from Zoom Zoom Groom at 4:00 by a cast member, and she is racing out the door. When she arrives at the venue, she dashes out of the car and onto the stage. She takes a few seconds to look at the "would be crowd", and darts off to behind the scenes in the back. She is thriving on the stardom!
My son, Zane has the role of the Tin Man (Hickory). I thought I would take the staff to see the show, after all there were two important individuals in it.....Zane and Pebbles. Needless to say, as much as they loved Zane`s performance, the focus was on Pebbles.
Zane jokes that Pebbles has taken all of the performers lime light. A review was written in a local paper and it goes like this.....`Even if the show ended up being a complete disaster and everything had gone inexplicably but entirely wrong, it would have been saved by Pebbles the dog who played Toto. I’m not much on small dogs, but every time she came on stage, I had to resist running on stage and stealing that dog for being so damn cute. She didn’t even do anything! She had no lines and was either carried, led, or told where to go on stage, and she still managed to be a star simply because she was that adorable.
We are so extremely proud of both Tin Man and Toto. If you haven`t seen the musical, it`s the perfect Saskatchewan event. It`s in the country, and outside.... Amazing! The following is a link to Prairie Skies website. Before the week is over my husband and I will be back for our fourth time to see the Wizard- mainly to see Pebbles (LOL)- just kidding Zane.....you too! Love ya, big guy!
We`re off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz!!!!!!!
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Am I Sure Opening A Grooming School is a Sound Business Choice For Zoom Zoom Groom?
When discussing the opening of Zoom Zoom Groom's Academy of Pet Grooming with our loyal clients, many out of concern say... "Connie, are you sure about this? Won't opening a school increase groomer numbers in the area and thus create more competition and lessen your clientele?" My thoughts to this are as follows:
Firstly, I think competition is great (ethical competition that is). I truly feel that if we at Zoom Zoom Groom, are providing services to the highest of standards, we will always have a strong, loyal client base. Since starting ZZG, I have been a strong advocate for networking. There are thousands upon thousands of pets in Regina and area- more than enough to go around. I have two framed quotes on a wall at Zoom Zoom Groom to remind the staff and myself, the ethics I feel are important. One is a quote from Brian Tracy, and it goes like this:
Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, "What's in it for me?"
The second framed quote is from Mother Teresa:
What I hope for Regina, is that through education and proper training, the groomers available will be knowledgeable, certified, and pet owners will feel comfort in knowing that they are leaving their pets with qualified professionals.
I hope to be instilling strong relationship ethics to my students, in how they present themselves to the public, and their fellow groomers. Respecting others clientele, and never speaking badly of other grooming establishments will be emphasized. If you are talented, and have great grooming/ people skills, the clients will come. Networking, as opposed to negative competition, will only strengthen ones credibility.
I always tell my staff, I only want them at ZZG if they are happy. If they choose to go on their own, I will support them in anyway I can. With the investment I (along with others at ZZG) spent in their growth as a groomer- through teaching/ educating, mentoring, encouraging, and supporting them to their grooming potential - I can only hope they respect myself and the other staff, (who contributed to their learning) enough to practise ethical business standards. The old phrase "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth", meaning don't be ungrateful when you receive a gift is so true, and relevant in all we do! I have one staff member who just returned from maternity leave. I love her immensely, and she is one of the best groomers I have ever seen. Yes, I would be sad (and so would her ZZG clients), should she open her own business, but as a mom myself, I expressed to her that I would support her, understand, and assist her in anyway I could. I know, without a doubt, that even if she had her own business, we would network together in a positive way regardless, due to our respect for one another. She has chosen to stay with Zoom Zoom Groom.
Opening Zoom Zoom Groom's Academy of Pet Grooming will help us all at ZZG grow as individuals. The information and technology is growing at an incredible speed in this industry. What a great opportunity to be at the forefront of this exciting opportunity!
Not only will the students learn, but it will also be an opportunity for me to learn. For example, I grew up with cats, love cats, but never dreamt of grooming them. In my mind they were an accident waiting to happen! Why would I groom cats and jeopardise my hands, and safety as a groomer? Well, Regina spoke loud and clear to us, when daily, we were receiving calls for cat grooming. I was not about to dive into a skill such as grooming cats without the proper knowledge base. I immersed myself in finding the most knowledgeable cat groomer, and I discovered Danelle German of the National Cat Groomers Institute of America. I purchased all her books, dvds, watched online videos, taken part in her webinars- everything I could to learn her process of mastering cat grooming. Once again, I go back to a quote by Brian Tracy- "No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn starting from scratch. To be successful, we absolutely, positively have to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our goals." Danelle has been my inspiration!
We are grooming cats now at ZZG and I am LOVING it! One of the best decisions I have ever made! Am I done learning? Absolutely not! I hope to attend Danelle's school soon to achieve my CFMG. Learning never stops! I can't wait to help others who love this industry, to grow into productive, creative, inspiring groomers! What a gift I have been given!
I love to teach! I have spent half my life teaching elementary school prior to opening Zoom Zoom Groom. Now I can combine both! Zoom Zoom Groom's Academy of Pet Grooming is simply a perfect fit! I'm so excited for the future! Back to the question: "Am I sure opening a Grooming School is a sound business decision for Zoom Zoom Groom?"- the answer is a loud, excited, resounding, YES!
Firstly, I think competition is great (ethical competition that is). I truly feel that if we at Zoom Zoom Groom, are providing services to the highest of standards, we will always have a strong, loyal client base. Since starting ZZG, I have been a strong advocate for networking. There are thousands upon thousands of pets in Regina and area- more than enough to go around. I have two framed quotes on a wall at Zoom Zoom Groom to remind the staff and myself, the ethics I feel are important. One is a quote from Brian Tracy, and it goes like this:
Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, "What's in it for me?"
The second framed quote is from Mother Teresa:
“Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you.”
I hope to be instilling strong relationship ethics to my students, in how they present themselves to the public, and their fellow groomers. Respecting others clientele, and never speaking badly of other grooming establishments will be emphasized. If you are talented, and have great grooming/ people skills, the clients will come. Networking, as opposed to negative competition, will only strengthen ones credibility.
I always tell my staff, I only want them at ZZG if they are happy. If they choose to go on their own, I will support them in anyway I can. With the investment I (along with others at ZZG) spent in their growth as a groomer- through teaching/ educating, mentoring, encouraging, and supporting them to their grooming potential - I can only hope they respect myself and the other staff, (who contributed to their learning) enough to practise ethical business standards. The old phrase "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth", meaning don't be ungrateful when you receive a gift is so true, and relevant in all we do! I have one staff member who just returned from maternity leave. I love her immensely, and she is one of the best groomers I have ever seen. Yes, I would be sad (and so would her ZZG clients), should she open her own business, but as a mom myself, I expressed to her that I would support her, understand, and assist her in anyway I could. I know, without a doubt, that even if she had her own business, we would network together in a positive way regardless, due to our respect for one another. She has chosen to stay with Zoom Zoom Groom.
Opening Zoom Zoom Groom's Academy of Pet Grooming will help us all at ZZG grow as individuals. The information and technology is growing at an incredible speed in this industry. What a great opportunity to be at the forefront of this exciting opportunity!
Not only will the students learn, but it will also be an opportunity for me to learn. For example, I grew up with cats, love cats, but never dreamt of grooming them. In my mind they were an accident waiting to happen! Why would I groom cats and jeopardise my hands, and safety as a groomer? Well, Regina spoke loud and clear to us, when daily, we were receiving calls for cat grooming. I was not about to dive into a skill such as grooming cats without the proper knowledge base. I immersed myself in finding the most knowledgeable cat groomer, and I discovered Danelle German of the National Cat Groomers Institute of America. I purchased all her books, dvds, watched online videos, taken part in her webinars- everything I could to learn her process of mastering cat grooming. Once again, I go back to a quote by Brian Tracy- "No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn starting from scratch. To be successful, we absolutely, positively have to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our goals." Danelle has been my inspiration!
We are grooming cats now at ZZG and I am LOVING it! One of the best decisions I have ever made! Am I done learning? Absolutely not! I hope to attend Danelle's school soon to achieve my CFMG. Learning never stops! I can't wait to help others who love this industry, to grow into productive, creative, inspiring groomers! What a gift I have been given!
Who would have thought... I'd be bathing a cat at ZZG?
.......and cleaning it's ears?
...... and drying it with Danelle's invention- The Catty Shack Vac?
I love to teach! I have spent half my life teaching elementary school prior to opening Zoom Zoom Groom. Now I can combine both! Zoom Zoom Groom's Academy of Pet Grooming is simply a perfect fit! I'm so excited for the future! Back to the question: "Am I sure opening a Grooming School is a sound business decision for Zoom Zoom Groom?"- the answer is a loud, excited, resounding, YES!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Why Groom Cats?
Why do cats need to be groomed?????? (info from National Cat Groomer's Institute of America)
Cats Mat.....
Greasy skin and coat combined with natural shedding causes matting. And once a small tangle or mat forms, it grows very quickly. The only real defense against tangles and mats is regular bathing and drying done by a professional cat groomer who truly knows what they are doing. Some groomers are not cat groomers and will groom a cat using products and techniques that can cause more problems.
Cats Do Like Baths.....
Contrary to popular belief, most cats do not mind being bathed. In fact, many are very calm during the bathing process and seem to find it relaxing. We use special techniques to introduce a cat to the bathing process each time, until we can see that they are used to it. We know from experience that cat owners report they have a very happy cat after it returns home from a day at the spa.
Will it hurt my cat to be groomed?It can hurt your cat to NOT be groomed. Cats that are not groomed are prone to serious matting problems, skin conditions, painful ingrown nails, and a variety of other problems that, if left unattended, can cause irreversible damage or even death.
A cat that is groomed regularly (approximately every 6 weeks) will not suffer from such problems. Because the groomer is handling the cat on a regular basis and looking over every inch of its body during each visit, health issues that may arise can be found early on, and the likelihood of effective intervention is increased.
How long will it take for you to groom my cat?
We typically allow 2 hours for your appointment if you have only one cat. If you bring in two or more, or the cat is severely pelted or matted, the groom time may take longer. Once we see your cat/cats in person, we will be able to give you a time for pick-up. We believe cats are better served by not being away from their normal home environment any longer than possible, and therefore strive to complete each groom in an efficient and timely manner.
Can you groom my cat if he is aggressive?
Most of the time we can. We can usually tell when we initially see your cat in person whether or not it can be safely handled.
What are the benefits to having my cat professionally groomed?
The main benefit is having a happier, healthier cat that does not suffer from any of the painful and potentially life-threatening problems already mentioned. In addition, you will benefit as regular grooming cuts down on shedding, eliminates hairballs, reduces allergy problems, and helps promote a cleaner environment as well as a cleaner cat. And the best part is, you don’t have to do any of the grooming yourself! Leave that up to us!
If you have any questions please phone us at Zoom Zoom Groom 533-9155, or email us at zzgroom@sasktel.net.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Thursday, May 17, 2012
ZZG's Protocol for Ungroomable Pets
The following is a letter we provide our clients if their pet is deemed a high risk to groom for either itself or the groomer. Please note that it is the clients decision whether to take or act upon any of our suggestions. AT NO TIME DOES ZOOM ZOOM GROOM ADMINISTER SEDATIVES OR TRANQUILIZERS TO PETS!!!!!!!!!
This protocol has also been shared with the veterinarian clinics in Regina and area.

steps/ criteria for a difficult dog are as follows:
- The groomer remains calm- assertive when grooming a dog. We feel the groomer’s energy is channelled to the dog. If a groomer is tense we will try another groomer to see if it makes a difference.
- If the dog is aggressive (biting) – we muzzle him/her
- When struggling with a dog another groomer may assist, trying to calm dog while groomer one is clipping/ scissoring etc.
- We try Rescue Remedy (a holistic Bach Flower remedy sold in many health food stores) only with permission from owner.
- We give a stressed dog several breaks.
- We may have the parents of the dog join us to see if their presence will calm the dog. (It usually doesn’t, but as a last resort we will try).
will cease grooming if:
The dog is showing signs such as….
- heavy breathing
- blue tongue
- high heart rate
- aggression (where the groomer is at risk)
- Spinning /turning out of control where there is risk of the dog injuring him/herself on the grooming arm etc.
any of these conditions exist, we will make the decision to refer the client to
their veterinarian for advice on a sedative. Many dogs, that initially take
sedatives, can be weaned of them after several positive grooming experiences,
once they establish a repoire with the groomer.
For this we celebrate! Our main goal is to keep both the dog and groomer
safe. We want to groom all dogs as we
realize the importance of a well groomed dog from both an aesthetic need and
health need. We also want you to know
that we try many different techniques and we do have a policy in place, guiding
us as to when we need to suggest a veterinarians help. This decision is taken seriously and
discussed by up to 5 groomers who see/experience the dog’s behavior.
We thank you and
appreciate your understanding. We truly
want to place your dog’s safety first.
Our groomers are using sharp tools and an accident can happen
quickly. We also recognize that the
groomer’s career is dependent on their hands, and an aggressive dog can cause
harm in a matter of seconds.
If you are reading
this information chances are we feel your pet may benefit from a sedative from
your vet. It is your choice as to
whether you feel comfortable with this.
If you have any questions please feel free to phone us at any time. Should you decide to try a different groomer
at a different location, it is important you inform them of your dog’s history,
so they can be prepared to help your dog in the most positive way possible.
Connie Buchanan
& the Staff at
Zoom Zoom Groom
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Nail Care
Nails are clipped as part of a full service grooming at Zoom Zoom Groom. This should last you for about 3-4 weeks and then the nails will need to be clipped again either at home or drop in without an appointment during ZZG business hours.
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