Saturday, July 28, 2012

Am I Sure Opening A Grooming School is a Sound Business Choice For Zoom Zoom Groom?

When discussing the opening of Zoom Zoom Groom's Academy of Pet Grooming with our loyal clients, many out of concern say... "Connie, are you sure about this?  Won't opening a school increase groomer numbers in the area and thus create more competition and lessen your clientele?" My thoughts to this are as follows:

Firstly, I think competition is great (ethical competition that is).  I truly feel that if we at Zoom Zoom Groom, are providing services to the highest of standards, we will always have a strong, loyal client base.  Since starting ZZG, I have been a strong advocate for networking.  There are thousands upon thousands of pets in Regina and area- more than enough to go around. I have two framed quotes on a wall at Zoom Zoom Groom to remind the staff and myself, the ethics I feel are important.  One is a quote from Brian Tracy, and it goes like this: 
Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, "What's in it for me?"

The second framed quote is from Mother Teresa:  
“Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you.”

What I hope for Regina, is that through education and proper training, the groomers available will be knowledgeable, certified,  and pet owners will feel comfort in knowing that they are leaving their pets with qualified professionals.

I hope to be instilling strong relationship ethics to my students, in how they present themselves to the public, and their fellow groomers.  Respecting others clientele, and never speaking badly of other grooming establishments will be emphasized.  If you are talented, and have great grooming/ people skills, the clients will come.  Networking, as opposed to negative competition, will only strengthen ones credibility. 

I always tell my staff,  I only want them at ZZG if they are happy.  If they choose to go on their own, I will support them in anyway I can.  With the investment I (along with others at ZZG) spent in their growth as a groomer- through teaching/ educating, mentoring, encouraging, and supporting them to their grooming potential - I can only hope they respect myself and the other staff,  (who contributed to their learning) enough to practise ethical business standards. The old phrase "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth", meaning don't be ungrateful when you receive a gift is so true, and relevant in all we do! I have one staff member who just returned from maternity leave.  I love her immensely, and she is one of the best groomers I have ever seen.  Yes, I would be sad (and so would her ZZG clients), should she open her own business, but as a mom myself, I expressed to her that I would support her, understand, and assist her in anyway I could.  I know, without a doubt, that even if she had her own business, we would network together in a positive way regardless, due to our respect for one another.  She has chosen to stay with Zoom Zoom Groom.

Opening Zoom Zoom Groom's Academy of Pet Grooming will help us all at ZZG grow as individuals.  The information and technology is growing at an incredible speed in this industry.  What a great opportunity to be at the forefront of this exciting opportunity! 

Not only will the students learn, but it will also be an opportunity for me to learn. For example, I grew up with cats, love cats, but never dreamt of grooming them.  In my mind they were an accident waiting to happen!  Why would I groom cats and jeopardise my hands, and safety as a groomer?  Well, Regina spoke loud and clear to us, when daily, we were receiving calls for cat grooming.  I was not about to dive into a skill such as grooming cats without the proper knowledge base.  I immersed myself in finding the most knowledgeable cat groomer, and I discovered Danelle German of the National Cat Groomers Institute of America.  I purchased all her books, dvds, watched online videos, taken part in her webinars- everything I could to learn her process of mastering cat grooming.  Once again, I go back to a quote by Brian Tracy- "No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn starting from scratch. To be successful, we absolutely, positively have to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our goals."  Danelle has been my inspiration!

We are grooming cats now at ZZG and I am LOVING it!  One of the best decisions I have ever made!  Am I done learning? Absolutely not!  I hope to attend Danelle's school soon to achieve my CFMG.  Learning never stops!  I can't wait to help others who love this industry, to grow into productive, creative, inspiring groomers! What a gift I have been given!
 Who would have thought... I'd be bathing a cat at ZZG?
                                 .......and cleaning it's ears?

                        ...... and drying it with Danelle's invention- The Catty Shack Vac?

I love to teach!  I have spent half my life teaching elementary school prior to opening Zoom Zoom Groom.  Now I can combine both! Zoom Zoom Groom's Academy of Pet Grooming is simply a perfect fit!  I'm so excited for the future!  Back to the question: "Am I sure opening a Grooming School is a sound business decision for Zoom Zoom Groom?"- the answer is a loud, excited, resounding, YES!