Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What A Difference A Year Makes!

As you may or may not know, Zoom Zoom Groom’s Academy of Pet Grooming opened this week with a full class! I am so excited to teach the amazing individuals in this group. Just prior to the opening, 13 staff and family members attended Super Zoo in LasVegas. There, ZZG Veteran groomers had the opportunity to meet and learn from some of the top grooming professionals in the world. Learning venues such as these are crucial in this industry in order to stay current of the latest technologies and to become leaders ourselves in techniques and skills. Not only that, it provides motivation and excitement and a desire to become better- master groomers. Perfect timing…… our first day of school (just two days after our return from Super Zoo) was filled with shared enthusiastic experiences. You could see the students eyes light up as the news spewed out. I feel these bright individuals have an opportunity to become incredible groomers and future leaders in an industry that is presently booming. What’s so amazing is I have the honor of being a part of it! Due to the fact I had taught elementary/middle years for 18 + years prior to opening Zoom Zoom Groom, it would be expected I could walk right in without any apprehension. This just wasn’t the case. I was nervous! The pressure …… I want to see each and every one of these individuals succeed and be prosperous. They trust me with their future. As our first morning progressed, it became evident to me that my biggest contribution could quite
possibly be my passion, love and excitement.

As with many first day introductions, it was important for my new students to know a little about me. What I did not realize was how emotional I would get when filling them in on the history of Zoom Zoom Groom. The reason why I call this blog “The Difference a Year Can Make”, is the fact that almost one year to the day, I was undergoing surgery to remove a Breast Cancer Mass. The big “C” had got me! No one knows the emotions involved in this procedure unless they have actually lived it themselves. It was a year ago that my (2011-2012) staff was also at the Regina Airport to go to Super Zoo, and I waved good bye – my operation was scheduled for the second day of the show. One of my hardest days ever! Following the surgery was 6 months of extensive treatments and a whole lot of feelings I had never experienced before- both physically, and emotionally. Friends, family and staff kept things going and encouraged me to be strong.

My voice got a little shaky explaining this part of my adventure, but I felt my students needed to be aware, especially because there would be three days in their program when I would be absent due to my remaining treatments. Many of them had no idea, and I’m sure they were not expecting their teacher to be crying on their first day. Joy was the reason for this, not regret, not “why me”. Joyous emotions because here I am one year later and life couldn’t be more of a contrast than that of a year ago. I am living my dream today, doing two things I love immensely (teaching and grooming), and best of all I am feeling my normal self, which at times during treatment seemed impossible. When speaking about acquired learning’s,........ the past several months have taught me about the following blessings: my family, friends, staff & strength.

Gratitude Wall
On our first day of classes the students were instructed to create personal posters for our “Gratitude Wall" which will hang for their entire session. Daily reflections will be added to these posters of things to be grateful for. Other students, as well a myself, can write on the individual posters when good deeds are done. After two days many of the posters are filling up. The students are enjoying the positive thoughts they were receiving and expressing. Today, as I walked into the room, I couldn’t figure out why they were huddled together in the classroom corner. As they backed away from the wall, once again, they stirred my emotions to the core…. There on the wall was a poster they created for me filled with words of encouragement, and thankfulness for giving them this opportunity. Yes, a year can make a difference!!!!!

We are all so excited at Zoom Zoom Groom for the school. The entire staff is loving the enthusiasm of our young entrepreneurs. All of us have the opportunity to contribute to the education of these individuals and it feels awesome! The students themselves will be contributing to the Barkz and Bytes blog- sharing their learnings- good and bad. Their stories will be coming soon. I wish these students the best in their program, and encourage them to stay strong, even when things get tough- reinforcing the fact that today may seem rough, but an hour, day, month or year can make a complete difference. I am living proof of that! There are always better things to come, and the rough stuff just makes you appreciate these positive times more. Here’s to a fantastic first session at Zoom Zoom Groom’s Academy of Pet Grooming! The quote ZZGAPG has adopted is as follows:

“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.”
John Dewey

Lets do this session one students, and thanks for adding me to the gratitude wall- you have no idea how much this means to me!!!!

We are taking names for the 2013 session happening January 2013- If you are interested check out the website ..
Please contact us at 306-533-9155

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